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Packages that fail to build (🔴 + 🟠)

Package name Build status Build attempts in Copr Bugzilla ticket (all open PYTHON3.13 and F41FTBFS)
Mayavi 🔴 Copr - Mayavi Bugzilla - Mayavi
Bugzilla - Mayavi
blender 🔴 Copr - blender Bugzilla - blender
python-datadog 🔴 Copr - python-datadog Bugzilla - python-datadog
python-ufo2ft 🔴 Copr - python-ufo2ft Bugzilla - python-ufo2ft
Bugzilla - python-ufo2ft
python-x2go 🔴 Copr - python-x2go Bugzilla - python-x2go
xonsh 🔴 Copr - xonsh Bugzilla - xonsh


This is derivative work from pyreadiness.org and pythonwheels.com, a site that tracks which Python distributions ship the wheel distribution.